Ejercicio práctico: Goblin Mode
Visualiza el video y mándanos las respuestas a online@crackbusinessenglish.com Why are people talking about “goblin mode” right now? Is it a term that is well known in the UK? A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous creature that appears in the folklore of multiple European cultures. Is there a Spanish equivalent? En Crack Business English […]
Ejercicio práctico: Marketing and advertising vocabulary
Visualiza el video y mándanos las respuestas a online@crackbusinessenglish.com How many positive adjectives can you hear in this advertisement? Write them down Why did Mark hire lots of specialists? (0.33-0.46) Put the letters in the right order to form the adjective mentioned in minute 0.54/55 – rdrieitpiso En Crack Business English somos expertos […]