Prueba de nivel Legal English

¡El tiempo ha comenzado!

Choose the correct sentence or word.
Elige la frase o palabra correcta para cada pregunta.

You have 15 minutes to complete the test.
Tiene 15 minutos para realizar la prueba.

Por favor, introduce tu correo electrónico:

1. Choose the correct sentence or select the best answer to fill in the gap:


2. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

There is ____ toner left, so we need to buy some immediately


3. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

I´m really tired ________ I am going to bed.


4. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

I cannot give you anything at all. I’ve got ____ money.


5. Choose the best reply:

Juan:»I haven’t met our new lawyer yet. Have you?»
María: «Yes, I have.»
Juan: ____________


6. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

This law firm has got ___________ staff training than my previous company.


7. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

They haven´t won a case ________ five years.


8. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

It soon became clear that the alleged witnesses __________________ the alleged perpetrator clearly.


9. Choose the best reply:

Mary: «Is the judge there yet?»
Bob: «No, he ______ to visit the Minister of Justice. He’ll be back later this afternoon.»


10. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

When I arrived in court, the trial had ________ started.


11. Choose the best reply:

John: “I don’t think the tenants are going to pay the rent again this month.”
Mary: “You ________ get some legal advice.”


12. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The jury arrived at the court very ____, so they had a coffee in a cafe that was similar ____ where I used to have breakfast in.


13. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

We _____________________ to initiate legal proceedings against your client tomorrow.


14. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

If I _____ enough money, I’d hire a top-class attorney.


15. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

A lot of money ____________ invested in finding expert witnesses, _______ is proving to be very beneficial to my client’s defense.


16. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

I _________________ how to influence the jury for years.


17. Choose the correct sentence:

You go to the judge’s chambers and you knock several times on the door and cannot hear any noise inside. There is no answer. What is the most logical conclusion you could reach?


18. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

In the past, there __________ be tighter deadlines in M&A transactions.


19. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Real speech; Maria (last week): «I must get to court on time tomorrow or it will be too late to file the claim.»
Reported speech; Maria said that she ___(a)___ get to court on time _____(b)______ or she ____(c)____ be too late to file the claim.»


20. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

There were the same number of convictions for fraud this year _______ last year.


21. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The original ruling was _________ so we still have to pay compensation to the injured party.


22. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The court was responsible ____ awarding damages arising _____ our client´s traffic accident.


23. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Our new office is in the north of the city, ________ is very close to the airport.


24. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Solicitor giving professional advice to a client: «I recommend _______________ further contact with the claimant.»


25. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The client has ______________ accept our apologies and is ______ looking for a new legal representative.


26. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Are you looking _______ your clients or are they unhappy?


27. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Sorry but I can´t make ____ on Monday. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?


28. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The directors voted unanimously to put the company _______ liquidation due to the overwhelming extent of its debts.


29. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The purpose of a severability clause in a contract is to allow any invalid provision to be severed ________ the agreement while leaving the rest of it in full force and effect.


30. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The judge ruled ____ our client’s favour


31. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

«____ the managing partner pointed out at the meeting, winning this trial will give us an enormous amount of favourable publicity.»


32. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Many clients who are multinationals pay us in 90 days and _________ we are suffering from cashflow difficulties.


33. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

All staff are expected to come to work tomorrow, _________________ of the weather conditions.


34. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

“It´s not worth ____________________ to him about it, he doesn’t listen”.


35. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

The merger won’t ___ through this week.


36. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Why do judges earn ______ money?


37. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Legal fees are ______ than ever this year.


38. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

We need to hire ____________ secretary as Maria is leaving next month.


39. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

He is by far the most successful lawyer of ____________


40. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

Trial wins are increasing ________________ so, with any luck, the company could double last year’s figures.


41. Select the correct word from the four options.

Which word means “has the right to?”


42. Which of the options best explains the meaning of the sentence?

An unsuccessful party in a litigation requires what is known as _____________ to appeal to a higher court for a review of the decision reached by the lower court.


43. Which of the options best explains the meaning of the sentence?

Unfortunately for these companies, however, it is necessary to keep a careful watch online and elsewhere, for any ______________ use of such a valuable business asset.


44. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

In order to decide whether the duty of care has been breached, the law of tort adopts the objective standard of the _____________ man/person.


45. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

_________ the documentation supporting her claim not be filed by August 31st, it shall be deemed as inadmissible.


46. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

My client has ___________ three unsecured loans in the last three years in order to expand his business abroad.


47. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

________________________ can you offer bribes to potential witnesses.


48. Fill in the gaps with the best answer:

If a mortgagor defaults on a mortgage loan, the mortgagee may start the process of __________, which involves taking possession of and selling the mortgaged property.


49. Choose the correct fragment to complete the text in a contract.

Interest may be charged by the seller on any invoiced sum outstanding ___________,
as set out in the payment instructions at a rate of 2% above the prevailing base rate al
Lloyds Bank PLC.


50. Choose the best translation of the following sentence in Spanish:

«Es difícil que ganemos el juicio.»


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