¿Tiene Nadia Calviño un buen nivel de inglés?

https://youtu.be/2S0TXVSpdQ4?si=ihUf7nA5OmRMZHud Vea los primeros 3.56 minutos y contestar a lo siguiente: 1. What was the interviewer´s question? 2. What was Nadia´s reply? 3. What does 5.5% refer to? 4. What does 3.8% refer to? 5. Would you be satisfied if you had her level of spoken English?  

Ejercicio práctico: Goblin Mode

Visualiza el video y mándanos las respuestas a online@crackbusinessenglish.com  Why are people talking about “goblin mode” right now? Is it a term that is well known in the UK? A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous creature that appears in the folklore of multiple European cultures. Is there a Spanish equivalent? En Crack Business English […]

Ejercicio práctico: Marketing and advertising vocabulary

Visualiza el video y mándanos las respuestas a online@crackbusinessenglish.com    How many positive adjectives can you hear in this advertisement? Write them down Why did Mark hire lots of specialists? (0.33-0.46) Put the letters in the right order to form the adjective mentioned in minute 0.54/55 – rdrieitpiso En Crack Business English somos expertos […]

Ejercicio práctico: Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling

Visualiza el video y mándanos las respuestas a online@crackbusinessenglish.com  Questions What made the event suddenly a lot more popular than it used to be? What’s the variety of cheese used for the event, and how much does it weigh? Why might cheese rolling be difficult to achieve in the Netherlands? En Crack Business English […]

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